I met Ash in 2009 at a homeshool workday for a local camp. At the time I was in a unhealthy long distant relationship with another guy, I was blinded by infatuation and I didn’t realize how bad of a relationship I was in, and I was loyal to a fault so even if I had my eyes open I don’t think I would have ever ended that relationship on my own.
I remember seeing Ash and thinking that he was really cute but guarding my heart like a good girl I avoided him a lot that weekend, but not completely. There was definitely a lot of flirting going on from him and I can’t honestly say that I didn’t enjoy it a little. However, like I said, I was trying to be good.
After the weekend Ash added me on Facebook, my boyfriend was very upset by me having guy friends on Facebook so after a fight about it I decided to prove to my boyfriend that there was nothing there with Ash so I unfriended him, and my boyfriend was happy. So much highschool drama. See, I told you it wasn’t a healthy relationship. There was so much un-trust on his part. Turns out the reason why he was so untrusting of me is because he had a few secrets of his own. A week before my birthday my boyfriend messaged me to tell me he wasn’t interested in a relationship anymore, he actually was in love with his bestfriends sister. Wow, could this story get any more classic?
Broken hearted and feeling really sad on Valentines day, (my birthday was two weeks before Valentines day) I received a message from Ash, very simple just a little note saying “Happy Valentines day.” Oh, I forgot to tell you, after I unfriended Ash on Facebook he sent me another request, but I just ignored it, but then when my boyfriend broke up with me I was like “What the heck, why not,” so I added him and all guy friends back on, So he had seen my relationship “status” change.
That little note started a whole life together. After a few weeks we started chatting frequently and he would randomly ask me annoying questions like, “hypothetically speaking, if a guy liked you would you give him your number?” to which I replied, “It depends on the guy”. He just left it there and never asked me for my number. Let me just tell you that drove me CRAZY!!! I was raised that the girl is basically supposed to do NOTHING to encourage a relationship. (actually I was supposed to let my dad pick my husband, a small little fact that will come up later in my story,) I was constantly telling myself not to act desperate or push this. He on the other hand was trying to see if I was interested in him. Eventually he got my phone number from his sister (cheater) and we started texting. But I would never text him first. If he didn’t text me that day I wouldn’t either. One time he didn’t text me for 4 days and it was stressing me out but I didn’t text him either, later he told me he wasn’t sure if he was annoying me or not so he was just waiting for me to text him first. It was ridiculous.
I would say our friendship grew pretty quickly until the first of many bombs went off…
Ash had been fighting a felony charge for a few years, there was a lot of politics involved and basically whoever had more money controlled the courts. He had to go to court that day and he left thinking the worse that would happen to him would possibly be a fine. His case was over what should have been a juvenile case. His lawyer was rotten and Ash was just a county boy not having a clue how much evil stuff went down in the Justus system.
I waited to hear from him later in the day, hoping to hear that everything was taken care of and he could move on with his life. I didn’t hear anything from him that day.
I started to wonder what was going on and the next day his sister sent me a message saying…..”Ash is in county jail and was going to prison”.
Sonia Bell says
Girl! 😍 Super proud of you! I’m excited and inspired by you starting a blog! I look forward to following your journey. Thanks for the cliff hanger though, jeez ! 🙄🤣 It’s perfect
Kris Killman says
To be continued!! You can’t leave us hanging like that.
susannefaith16 says
I am glad you enjoyed it enough to want to keep reading! Yay!
Lauren says
Wow. Can’t wait to keep reading. ❤️
susannefaith16 says
Thank You!